Sunday, April 26, 2015

Never Too Old To Swap

Time and time again friends ask me how I'm able to maintain my health and the same weight without a struggle.  They suggest I have a fast metabolism or that I'm a workout fiend.  Neither of which is true.  One day, I had this epiphany.  I came to the realization  that there is no  perfect diet.  Diets are too restrictive and therefore doomed to failure.  It is far better to examine your eating habits,  the food you consume and the satisfaction you garner.  The key is flexibility.  Try to eat healthy when it is possible to offset the times when you can not.  Good eating habits is more about a balancing act.  You don't have to give up the food you love if you can be satisfied with less or if you can make a healthy swap for the foods you adore.  This allows for those times when no swap is possible or desired and you must submit.  You then appreciate that special food all the more!

 Here are some of my go-to swaps near the top of my list:
  1. This one requires some advance prep.  Keep a freezer bag of individually wrapped peeled frozen bananas.  Put one in your blender when you have a craving for ice cream.  You can also add frozen berries to vary the taste.  In the summer, I like to chew on frozen grapes for a refreshing treat instead of ices.
  2. Thinking about indulging in pasta?  Why not ditch the high carbs for spaghetti squash.  Just slice it in halves and put in a tray face down with one inch of water.  Bake at 350° for 25 minutes.  Cool and the scrape with a fork to make strands.  Add your fav veggies, oil, garlic, sauce or whatever you desire.
  3. Want a yummy side dish instead of mashed potatoes with heavy cream?  Try baked sweet potato fries or mashed cauliflower in the blender with almond milk, grass-fed butter and Himalayan sea salt.
  4. Limiting your dairy because of allergies and other health concerns?  Nut milks like almond, cashew, and coconut milks are good options.  There are also soy, rice and quinoa milks available.
  5. For those loving their salt fix switch to Himalayan sea salt which contains essential minerals and magnesium missing from table salt.
  6. Instead of chips why not substitute mini peppers to make a tasty nacho snack.  Mix corn, black beans and salsa.  Arrange and fill each pepper half on a greased baking sheet.  Sprinkle with cheese of your choice.  Broil for 2-4 minutes and enjoy!  One pound of mini peppers makes 4 servings.
A sweet reward every so often will help you stay the course.

Bottom Line:  You can keep your New Year's Resolutions this and every year with a little compromise and flexibility.