Saturday, December 27, 2014


     Gilbert Keith Chesterton, an English writer, poet, theologian, genius and prince of paradox,  once was quoted as having said, "When it rains, look up rather than down.  Without rain, there would be no rainbow."  He  was commenting on the difficulties in relationships.   Stormy days which are arguments, are  necessary  for a relationship to grow and/or reach its final outcome.  Either way, the sun will  eventually come out from behind those dark clouds shedding light where there was darkness and doubt.  You need to think about what you heart and soul are telling you to do to reveal  that rainbow.  No relationship is perfect and  can  evolve into something more satisfying for all,  if you bravely forge forward and express how you truly feel.
      In relationships, as in all things, you need to be honest with yourself and then to others.  If someone does something that angers you it is better to let them know rather than stifle your emotions and pretend to be someone you are not.  If that person is sincere and is truly invested in the relationship,  a compromise can be reached.  Initially, it may take time for the feathers to settle.   You may have to deal with rejection, either temporary or permanent,  but self-sacrifice leaves you no better off. You must live with yourself and be at peace.  If the  outcome is not what you anticipated perhaps you are still better off.  You have gained some insight in your dealings with others and who you really are.  Do not judge, merely move on and seek a higher ground.  Inner peace needs to be an attainable goal.  Reassess your relationships and see if you are getting what you need to achieve personal growth and if not move on.  Sometimes it is wise to recognize that you can't get blood from a stone.  A so-called friend may not be capable of the kind of reciprocation you require. With time you will get over it.
     My wise grandmother told me that people show you who they are by what they do. This has been my rubric in my relationships with others. Do not blind yourself to the short-comings of others and yourself  but don't accept less than you deserve. If everything is not okay don't go along hoping things will change.  To be okay you have to make them be okay.  In "the Owner's Manual For Your Life," Stewart Emery says when you stop pretending okayness you can begin to discover it.  Only then can you build relationships that are real.   I have discovered  this to be true.  I accept the paradox that without rain we would not have rainbows.   You have to crack open some eggs to make an omelet.  Anticipate a rainbow after the rain when you express yourself  to a true friend.  Unfortunately, sometimes people are   disappointing. Your feelings  may not be accepted.  In  the end,   all is  for the best, you still get that rainbow, as you will now be in the company of   like-minded individuals who are invested in personal growth.
     Looking forward to another year of meaningful insights to share with you!
     Best Wishes for the New Year!

Bottom Line :  After the darkness comes the light.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

If and Then On Broaway in NYC

    Two of these words  are from the title of a Broadway  play currently  starring Idina Menzel.  She is a fabulous singer  noted for her performance in  another famous musical Broadway show "Wicked" and  a 2013 American 3D Walt Disney Studios computer-animated musical fantasy film entitled "Frozen".  Her newest endeavor is  2 hours thirty-five minutes of musical bliss  chocked full of messages about the choices we make in life reflecting our perception of what we believe we can achieve  with influences from our past.
   The protagonist, a newly divorced teacher of urban design,  returns to Manhattan from Phoenix to start her life anew.  Uanble to make a decision about who she wants to spend time with, she begins a dual life journey.  She is split in  half,  while we watch her life go in two different directions.  Beth, her career oriented side seems to be unlucky in love while Liz, wearing glasses, is an activist and a dreamer who, remarried with two children, is uncertain about her career path.     Side by side we experience the two alternate lives she could lead.  But also we become aware of the infinite possibilities of all the lives she affects which is symbolized by the fractionalized mirrored ceiling which makes every action more complex.  To make things more intriguing,  the  possibility  of fate or predestination  is brought into the mix which offers us endless thoughts about whether we really have limited  choices or whether what we chose really matters.
     The elements of fate versus choice that governs our lives are the basis for such songs as "What If," 'It's a Sign," "Some Other Me"and so on.    We follow  both Beth and Liz throughout the play and wonder who has made the right decision or if a right decision exists.  At times, following both Beth and Liz becomes a bit confusing, as you find yourself trying to recall which character is which.  We are assisted by glasses worn only by Liz and the different color of light-path for each, one in red and one in blue and the moments their lives overlap in purple.

Bottom line: As perplexing as this play might seem, the musical performances and the script keeps you joyfully entertained  way after the set fades to black.  It is truly worth the effort.  Think of what you might miss if you choose not to go.
Which choice would you make?

Lost in the Fifties- Another Time, Another Place

Lost in the Fifties- Another Time, Another Place

A simplier, sweeter life time!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How To Stop Dieting

     How many diets have you tried?  I have tried all so many that I can hardly enumerate.  I thought the Grapefruit Diet, Atkins Diet, Protein Diet, Low Carb Diet, Diet Cookie Diet, Hi Fiber Diet, Low Calorie Diet, Diet Club Diets, Celebrity Diets would  help  me reach my optimum weight. I never thought about whether it was good for my health, my energy level or qualitative longevity.  That was my first and worst mistake.  I never stopped to think about anything other than my own vanity.
     Online and Offline as my failure increased  my self-esteem dwindled.   Why do diets either fail or have short range success?  The answer is that a diet is not a life style change and is therefore,  doomed to failure.  It is like a bandaid on a hemorrhage.  It is a temporary stop gap but it fails to deal with the cause of the problem.
       We now have the advantage  and disadvantage of easy acquisition of  many types of food. It is  too easy to select unhealthy foods based on taste, texture, salt and sugar content, physical appeal, clever packaging and slick advertising ploys.  The trend towards obesity in both children and adults and its related health problems is directly related to our addiction to high fat, sugar and sodium laden, low fiber and nutrient deficient foods which, to be more  precise, are empty calories.   Most diets are restrictive in nature and increase your craving for these empty calories.   You  feel deprived, or you're not seeing the results quick enough or think you are just too hungry.  That should be another indication that you are on a diet that has you eating the wrong foods.  A lifestyle change that has a balance of protein, good fats, and fiber will go a long way to help you feel satiated.  It should also have taste appeal.  So what should you do?

  •       Experiment with swapping in healthy ingredients for unhealthy ones. There are many sites like Skinnytaste that can help guide you or give you ideas about being creative with your food choices.   Just remember that too much of a good thing is just that.  It is possible to overeat planned for healthy foods like nuts, avocado, or coconut oil.     
  • Revamp  your kitchen  for when you feel a "twinge of a binge" coming on.   It is reassuring to feel  that you won't  stray too far from your goals.  Some of my fav go-to snacks are:  dark chocolate goji berries, frozen berries with a dollop of whipped cream, dark chocolate dipped frozen bananas, frozen grapes, brownies made with black beans, almond butter in individual packets, air pumped popcorn sprayed with olive oil and spices, chocolate pudding made with avocados (see my post 'A Healthy Reward"), fresh melon cut up with cottage or ricotta cheese sauce made with agave and vanilla, frozen ice pops made with my protein drink and blended fruit, or a handful of nuts with a teaspoon of currants as your very own trail mix minus the added sugar.
  • Portion size is almost always important perhaps with the exception of high fiber green veggies. Small meals every few hours means never being hungry because your metabolic rate stays revved up on a continuous basis.  Haven't you noticed that the first three bites of anything are the best?  After that you're  just eating because it's there.   Take time to savor the flavor and you will be rewarded.
  •      Smart food shopping is a skill you must acquire to achieve your goals of improving your health and reaching your optimum weight.  It involves  reading the labels on  foods that are not single ingredient foods. If its chemical or you can't pronounce it don't eat it.  Look out for added sugar in any form because it makes that food addictive.   You can decide whether or not the price you pay for convenience is worth sacrificing your health.  You can find relatively healthy choices throughout store and also  allow for those occasional planned slips so you won't ever feel deprived.  
  • Even though I create tasty snacks with healthy ingredient substitutions, I still like to have the taste of a no-no food every so often. Sometimes it's at a restaurant or something I put in my shopping cart.  Flexibility is key in life.  If you are unable to bend you will break.   What's important is not to be overwhelmed with guilt and get back on track.  Extend your energies on something more productive like reading this blog.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Microwave Away

     There has been  so much controversial and conflicting  information  microwaves.  There has been endless conjecture both pro and con. Some studies say the nutrient content of your food is diminished because of the molecular friction that heats up your food.  Others say heating   food in plastic containers in the microwave  release carcinogens along with other harmful toxins, so use glass containers.  All cooking methods does somewhat reduce the vitamin content of food to varying degrees.  Some studies say that microwaving food may be healthier than cooking food conventionally because microwaves cook food to the same degree for a shorter period of time.  Moderation is always the wisest course of action.
     I find the microwave a very useful tool beyond destroying the bacterial in my kitchen sponges.
Below are some of the ways a microwave can make your life a little easier.

  •    Don't you hate it when  raw honey turns sugary or  brown sugar  turns into a formidable chunk reminiscent of the iceberg that collided with the  Titanic?  Relief is a microwave away!  Honey becomes uncrystallized in 30 seconds in the microwave in a glass bowl or glass jar removing the lid.  Soften brown sugar in a glass bowl covered by a moist towel for 20 seconds.  If you need more time to get the  required results, repeat as many times as necessary in the desired time increments.
  •      Did you know that you can restore baked products to their former bakery shop selves by putting a moist towel around your bread, roll, bagels, croissants and muffins for 10 second increments?
  •      How about all those extra herbs from your garden that are in danger of spoiling?  No problem!  Put them on a microwave plate covered with a towel for one minute and then 20 seconds thereafter.
  •      Did you forget to soak your beans overnight?  No worries.  Just put I cup of beans in three cups of water in a covered microwaveable bowl for 15 minutes.  Then let it stand for 1 hour, drain, rinse with cool fresh water and you're good to go.
  •     Do you think f steaming your veggies as a major production?  Just put them in a bowl with a little water and get ready.  Steaming fruits and veggies is so easy but its trial and error depending upon the desired nutrient content.  Closest to raw is best.  In this case, less microwaving is more nutrient content.
  •     Does the anticipation of peeling and slicing an onion make you cry?  Weep no more!  Put them in the microwave for 30 seconds and your can be as tear free as the baby in shampoo commercials.  
  • Thick skins on squash and other root veggies will no longer defy you and will become more pliable if put in the microwave for 2-3 minutes depending on size or thickness.


Bottom Line:  The microwave is more friend than foe.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Some Foods Are "TO Die For" For Your Dog

     I mistakenly rewarded my dog with a macadamia nut thinking it's healthy for both of us.  My husband said he read  that  nuts were dangerous to dogs. My  research validated his claim.   I became  concerned  about other conscientious dog owners who, like myself, were unknowingly loving their dogs  to death.  Below are those dangerous foods you should never give your dog  and the conditions they cause:
  • Walnuts and Pecans can cause intestinal upset or an obstruction.  If moldy, like those found on the street, they can contain tremorgenic mycotoxins which causes seizures and neurological problems.
  • Macadamia nuts are rich in fat causing stomach upset, pancreatitis and contains a toxin causing neurological symptoms.
  • Almonds in any flavor variety cause tummy upset including gas and diarrhea.
  • Pistachio nuts cause upset stomachs but if given repeatedly will cause pancreatitis.
SIDE NOTE: The symptoms of pancreatitis are:  loss of appetite, vomiting, belly pain, fever, no energy, dehydration, difficulty breathing, and irregular heart beat.  Any of these symptoms warrant a trip to the vet for a blood test or ultrasound for a proper diagnosis.
  • Avocados are poisonous to dogs.
  • Coffee, tea, colas, chocolate, and anything containing caffeine are poisonous causing tremors, rapid heart beat, difficulty breathing and bleeding.  Stimulant drinks like Red Bull can cause the same problems.
  • Gum, candy and diet foods containing xylitol cause severe blood sugar drops, lethargy, lack of coordination and liver failure.
  • Persimmon, peaches, and plums can have seeds and pits that can cause inflammation, intestinal obstruction.  Cyanide poisoning from swallowing the peach or plum pits.
  • Raw meats, raw fish and raw eggs contain bacteria causing food poisoning.  The condition can become fatal if not treated within two weeks after ingesting a fish parasite.  The symptoms are vomiting, fever and enlarged lymph nodes.  
  • Salt as is found in snack foods causes thirst, urination, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, fever, seizures, sodium iron poisoning and even death.
  • Sugary foods mirror the problems we humans have.
  • Your medicines have ingredients that can be deadly for your dog.  Check with your vet before administering any meds.
  • Baking soda, spices, nutmeg and many items in your kitchen cabinets are toxic.  Secure cabinets.
  • Well-constructed dog foods.  Read the label to check for excessive filler, preservatives, chemicals, sugar and salt.  What is the main protein source and in what position is it listed on the ingredient list?  Make sure that the ingredients are healthy and present no allergy problem for your dog.  Cheaper brands are not a bargain.  You get what you pay for.
  • Lean cooked meats
  • Slices of Apples, oranges, bananas and seedless watermelon 
  • Veggies like sliced raw carrots,cucumber and zucchini slices, green beans, or a plain baked potato cut up or mashed, never raw.
  • white rice and white meat chicken provides relief from intestinal upset,
     I hope my attempt  to simplify and encapsulate  the facts provides a user friendly guide.  
     Bottom Line:  Best Of Health To You & Your Fur Child!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Don't Be A Turkey On Thanksgiving

        Anything new  you give your dog to eat on Thanksgiving can upset the delicate balance in her/his tummy.  It can be a very small amount of anything, so you are not doing your dog a favor when you give her/him  a Thanksgiving  tidbit.  Many things that taste good to you may not be good for your dog.  You can decide what indulgences are necessary for you but be more judicious for your dog.  Some choices can be life threatening.  Below are some guidelines for those who wish not  to be a turkey on Thanksgiving.  The dog you save may be your own!
  • Do not feed your dog any turkey bones.  They easily shatter when chewed and can pierce you dogs's intestines.  Fat is also a negative for the same reasons it's not good for you.  If you must giving you dog something then give a very small amount of white meat turkey added to the regular food.  It will be enjoyed without much repercussion.
  • Mashed potatoes are ok if it is  the only ingredient.  Giving your dog added dairy products or gravy will lead to a nasty bout of diarrhea. Be mindful of giving certain veggies like garlic and onions which can cause toxic anemia.  Mushrooms can affect many of your dogs systems and be fatal.  Avoid any foods containing these and also scallions, onions, or leeks.
  • Cranberry sauce made without sugar, raisins, currants or grapes is ok.  Grapes are particularly dangerous as they contain a toxin that is damaging to kidneys in dogs.
  • Do I need to mention  you should never give your dog alcohol on any occasion?  Very little can put your dog in a coma or cause death.
     Bottom Line:  Wishing everyone, especially our canine family members,  a wooferful holiday!


Supermarket Sweepstake Rules

     Food shopping can be super convenient if you learn how to circumvent the many pitfalls inducing you to buy unhealthy food.  Slick advertising and clever packaging works wonders on a multitude of unsuspecting shoppers.  Consider your visit akin to mission impossible or better yet, Supermarket Sweepstakes where you can improve your chances of successfully winning the good health jackpot if you follow my helpful tips:

1-Go with a list based on the meals you plan on preparing for the week.  This should prevent you from absentmindedly tossing cookies into your cart if you stick to your list.

2-Shop the periphery of the store where you will find the majority of single ingredient foods.  These are foods that are what they are with no added ingredients.

3-Refrain from buying processed or prepared foods.  If you feel you must challenge this rule, read the ingredient list.  If there's anything you can't pronounce, you  don't want to eat it.  If a form of sugar is listed in the first six ingredients, you don't want this item.  Watch out for the fats and sodium added.  Also be aware that anything that is enriched had little value to begin with and needed to be fortified with chemicals.  Low fat items contain added sugar so beware.  If it seems to good to be true, it often is.

4-Purchase staples like beans, brown rice, quinoa, nuts and seeds in bulk and save money.  Try to purchase the organic variety when available to avoid harmful pesticides.  Recently, Consumer Reports released a report recently about arsenic contained in brown rice produced in this country.  They claim that basmati brown rice from India and Pakistan is safe.  You can reduce the arsenic, which is absorbed in the outer layer, by rinsing the rice really well in filtered water.  Then boil with extra water and spill off the extra water when rice is finished cooking.

5-Do buy frozen fruits and veggies.  They are frozen at their peak of freshness and contain all those nutrients your body craves.  Fresh ingredients may be past as you have no way of knowing how the produce was handled or how long they have been in the store. They may be well past their prime and not as fresh as you think.

6-Do buy cut up fruits and veggies to keep in the fridge to promote healthy snacking.  Also make your own fruit and nut mixes to control the sugar in your snacks.

7-Buy organic, free range and/or grass fed meats.  You will prevent unwanted antibiotics and added growth hormones entering your body.  Refrain from buying farm raised fish who suffer   in overcrowded environments saturated with pesticides, veterinary drugs, dead fish,feces, uneaten food and are fed fish meal and other trash food made from genetically modified organisms.   The waste from these questionable practices are flushed into surrounding waters causing contamination of our Eco-system.  When you buy these fish you help sustain this practice.    Remember you will eat what they have eaten.  That's a terrible thought!

8-Choose foods high in fiber like fruits and veggies.  They help to slow down the digestion of carbohydrates in the body.

9-And last, shop during non-busy times to avoid impulse buying while waiting on line.  Read those magazines, if you must go during prime time, to distract you.

     Going shopping for food is less of a gamble if you use the above strategies to make mindful decisions regarding the nutrition you garner from your trip to the supermarket.  Below are pictures of some of my supermarket jackpots. 

Bottom Line:  Supermarket Smarts will yield a wealth of health.
Organic buckwheat and string beans with wild shrimp  

Organic garbanzo beans,  green peppers & zuchini with black rice 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Healthy Reward

     The other day I decided to clear the clutter accumulating on my VCR.  Among the many mysteries and suspense thrillers were programs equally thrilling (at least to me) about health and nutrition.  I decided to wax pragmatic and hone in on the nutritional  recipes and  diet suggestions.  I often  research  recipes that lesson sugar cravings,  clear up brain fog,  increase metabolism,  energize the body, strengthen immunity, etc.   I'm sure you get the picture.
      My golden rule is "Be Healthy Without Suffering".   In other words,  I require equal parts of healthy and tasty.  I adore recipes that replace decadent ingredients with  healthy ones.  Avocado is that kind of ingredient.  You can't  taste it but it makes a dessert or baked goods creamier, and adds healthy fat, fiber and vitamins.  You literally trick your body into getting healthier in a very painless way.
     While plowing through what seemed like an unending sea of recordings on my TV,   a somewhat healthy and possibly tasty recipe piqued my interest. I immediately set about creating several variations of the  basic recipe.  I  tested all of them on my all too willing friends.
     Below is the  unanimously approved version for you to enjoy.  Simply put all the ingredients in a food processor and mix until smooth. You can eat it straight from the blender or refrigerate  for 1 hour which makes it creamier.  If it's too creamy add a teaspoon of almond milk. You can add some  dark chocolate shavings or fresh fruit for added bliss!  This recipe is totally vegan and very yummy!

                                                      Clean Chocolate Pudding
                                                      1 medium to large avocado
                                                      1/4 cup raw honey
                                                      1 1/2 cups coconut oil
                                                      1/4 cup cocoa powder
                                                      1/4 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
                                                      1 pinch sea salt

     The above recipe makes two servings.  Each serving should be about a half a cup.  I approximate the calories to be 150.  Most of the calories come from the fat of the avocado.  Not to worry.  This is healthy fat your brain needs.  Did you know your brain is mostly fat?  It gives the expression "fathead"  a new meaning, ha  Finding this recipe was like looking for a needle in a haystack but it is really worth it.  It is a  healthy reward for my efforts  and now it is yours!  
Can you trick yourself into thinking that the above recipe is a good substitute for this decadent version?

                                                     Eat yourself healthy!
Bottom Line:  You are what you eat.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Lifestyle Lament: Sugar Substitutes

     People who try to reduce their sugar intake face a dilemma.  They must choose from an ever expanding array of  of sugar substitutes.    We know that deprivation  in our diet can lead to binge eating.  The more forbidden the fruit  the greater the desire.  Sugar  is one of the most addictive substances know to man and women, too!. 
      Here is my short list of the most natural sugar stand-ins  available:

  • Stevia Root is an herb that comes from central and south America.  It is 40 times sweeter than regular sugar but can possess  a bitter aftertaste.  The newer strain  seems to have solved that problem by using the  sweetest part of the plant.  However,  Stevia is not recommended for baking.  You can purchase a form of Stevia in most supermarkets and health food stores.
  • Whey Low is a  sugar substitute is made of three sugars.  It contains fructose from fruit,  table sugar (I.e. sucrose)  and lactose.  When the sugars are all blended together they interact so that they aren't completely absorbed by the body.  It has one quarter of the calories of sugar and one third of the Glycemic index of sugar resulting in no sugar crash after consumption. It can be used in place of sugar in most baking recipes using the same amount.  It can be purchased online and/or at
  • Xylitol  is a naturally occurring sugar alcohol found in beets, berries and corn.  Sugar alcohol is not digested well in the body so they can have a laxative  affect.    That is why it does not raise sugar levels in the blood. So it's both good and bad news.   It can be used for baking.  It is recommended that you use half the amount of sugar used in recipes.  It can be purchased in health food stores or online.  
  • Agave Nectar is a sugar substitute that comes from the same plant used to make tequila.  At 20 cal a teaspoon it is more caloric then sugar but because it is sweeter you can use less.  When baking it it is it is advised that you use one third the amount that you would use for sugar because of its sweetness.  It is recommended that you lower the oven temperature because of increased browning.  There has been some concern over the high fructose content  in agave similar to high fructose corn syrup.
     There are other sugar substitutes on the market but studies have shown that they have dubious  side effects on our health.  The above choices are said to be the most healthy alternatives to sugar if you're going to use a substitute at all.  Some just eliminate all sugars and substitute various foods and change their texture to appease sugar cravings and slow down blood sugar metabolism.

Bottom Line:  Let common sense prevail.  If something disagrees with you, discontinue use.

This can be made with black beans and dates instead of sugar.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What Wood Refinishing Can Do

     Unless you eat out in restaurants all the time,  kitchen cabinets take an awful beating.  Food preparation and overzealous cleaning can wear away the finish.  Unavoidable accidents can leave scratches and dents  causing an unseemly appearance and/or a dull finish.  You can opt to replace the cabinets.  This may be an expensive proposition, especially if your cabinets need to be custom-made.  If your cabinets are sturdy and made of solid wood there may be a much better and less costly option.  The answer to your prayers is professional furniture refinishing to restore and refresh the look of your kitchen.
      There are the master carpenters who will evaluate the quality of your wood cabinets before they will commit to a project.  Upon mutual  approval, the doors will be removed and taken to a workshop to be stripped, sanded and refinished based upon your preferences.  A sample will be made using one door so that you can approve or make adjustments to the color and finish before all the doors are refinished.  After several weeks, a crew will come  to your home to redo your cabinets to match the doors which will then be reattached. This may take two or more days.   Abracadabra!  Your old cabinets look like new and you saved yourself a pile of money.  Now that should put a smile to your face.  
     Now if you want to put a smile on a master carpenter's face,  give Frank Tedeschi a call or email at The Refinishing Company.  He is a craftsman with heart who takes pride in his work.   He  wants you to be totally satisfied with the finished product.  I know you may be skeptical about such an outstanding endorsement.  I am not a relative, nor have I received any monetary gain  by recommending his services.  I am a very pleasantly surprised by his due diligence to make me the satisfied customer which I haave become.   I merely  enjoy  paying  it forward.  

Bottom Line:  Getting what you paid for can be a source of great happiness.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Get Fuel in South Brooklyn

At one time there was a vast migration of Brooklynites to Staten Island in search of affordable homes and big-box shopping centers. Since then  we have witnessed the reverse trend as people of all ethnicities converge on  Brooklyn making this borough the place to be. Each area has its unique places to visit.
While wandering through this South Brooklyn neighborhood you might enjoy:

  • The boardwalk in Coney Island with rides and other attractions
  • The shopping Mecca  in Brighton under the train elevation 
  • The harbor views of Sheepshead Bay
  • Marine Park walking and bike riding trails
  • The  Salt Marsh nature center and trail 
  • Restaurant Row on Emmons Avenue
  • The Brooklyn Cyclones at MCU Park
     After going to any of the above places,  I like to partake of some yummy food options at one of my favorite restaurants.   I often frequent the   Fuel Champion  Restaurant in Sheepshead Bay.  It is conveniently located across the street from the local gym.  After a strenuous workout what better place to restore and refresh  your body with the healthy nutrition it needs?  
      I have many reasons for haunting this restaurant beyond the post workout excuse and convenient location. There are numerous options that are available at any time of day conveniently listed on their well lit signage on the walls.   Fuel offers a casual yet extensive menu that includes juices, protein shakes, smoothies, salads, low carb pizza, soups, chili, energy and low-carb plates, wraps, and an assortment of baked goods, energy drinks and snacks.  All items are available to eat in or take out. You can call in an order or step up to the counter and give specific instructions about your order.   Whatever  your food preference, it's healthy and delicious.  The prices are very reasonable and the portions are ample.  Some of my favs are the Pacific Vegetable Wrap, the Spa Breakfast Wrap, the baked Sweet Potato Fries, and the Kale Smoothie.
     Where else in South Brooklyn can  vegans, pescatarians, vegetarians , and carnivores share a meal freshly prepared to order?  The atmosphere is congenial and mellow.  A home away from home where you can eat healthy without emptying your wallet.  Gym attire accepted!

Bottom Line:  It's possible to eat in restaurants and still eat healthy.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Fashion On and Off the Mat

     Stretch pants and housecoats were rather ubiquitous with the mommy crowd of my youth.  I viewed both  with great disdain,  vowing never to make them part of my wardrobe.  But times they are a changin'.    Both housecoats and stretch pants have been evolved for the better.  Housecoats are often called sundresses. Women may now venture forth beyond the house without a coat  in casual wear.  Do we thank Women's  Lib for that? (Just an aside.)
     As gyms  gym membership increased , workout gear was needed. Manufactures of athletic wear discovered many exercise buffs went  from their jobs to the gym and conversely.  They cashed in big time by creating multipurpose clothing that continues to enable us to soar to great heights as fashion chameleons.  Stretch pants, leggings, and tights have currently become a major component of our every day wardrobe, in and out of the gym and  on and off the mat.  They're  not my mothers stretch pants anymore, nor are they just for the gym.  They come in myriad colors,  styles and patterns with mix or  matching tops,  sweaters and jackets to be worn  anywhere,  anytime,  in extreme comfort with effortless  flair.  The snug fit accents every curve.  You can easily build a better body with the click of a mouse at your fav online site.

Bottom Line:  When you look good you feel good.


Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Sweetness in Your Life

     The abysmal craving for sugar has devastating effects.  Obesity and it subsequent ills are  very real consequences of sugar consumption. They   eclipse   our  very survival.  The futility  of using pharmaceuticals  to fight the effects of sugar continues to  skyrocket. Consumers erroneously believe they can ingest  whatever  they like indiscriminately,   as long as they possess that magic bullet  to protect them.  But if something seems to good to be true,  it often is. The result can be challenging as individuals  deal with the possible side effects of each medication.
      Sugar, ever present  in processed foods,  in various forms, has  become the Bain  of our existence.  Sugar triggers the brain like hard-core drugs,  escalating our unrelenting desire for more.  Food and drug  manufacturers profits soar while we ride an internal body-mind   roller coaster.  The ride will become relentless   unless we make lifestyle changes to stabilize our blood sugar, improve our physical health and restore our peace of mind.  Reading content labels, eliminating fast food, baked goods and pre-cooked frozen foods,  and exchanging table sugar for more healthful ingredients are  viable options.
       When you have a craving for something sweet you need to satisfy it to prevent bingeing.  Fruit, honey and maple syrup might be  possible sugar substitutes  for some.  Fruit, being more nutrient dense, contains more vitamins, more minerals plus phytonutrients.   The fiber contained within  also helps to slow down the  metabolic breakdown of carbohydrates  to  avoid any drastic changes in blood sugar levels.
      Diabetics  should exercise caution, limit portion size,  speak with their physicians and perhaps refer to diabetic food lists like those on WEBMD for guidance when using dried fruits.    Sweet fruits recommended for diabetics are generally melons and berries.    There  are  natural sugar substitutes like stevia root, xylitol , whey lo,  agave nectar and coconut crystals.  These have their own affects on sugar metabolism in the body and is the subject for a future post. Keep in mind that avocados, peppers, cucumbers, squash, eggplants, olives, and tomatoes are also fruits because they produce seeds.  Their use is not covered  here.
     If sugar is not an issue, try making a paste with your favorite reconstituted dry fruits in a food processors. Put dry fruit in a jar 3/4 full, add water and leave overnight in the fridge.     Experiment with different fruit combos. Make sure you add enough water to create a smooth paste and to avoid damaging your food processor.  My  food processor of choice is the Cuisinart Custom 14-Cup Food Processor  because it is not only makes ample amounts,but is  user friendly. It  comes with a tutorial DVD and an instruction booklet so novices need not fear.  It has a powerful motor and it is up to most arduous tasks that would defeat a processor of lesser quality.
      Store the fruit paste in a glass jar and refrigerate it.  It can last up to two months in the refrigerator.  It can stay longer in the freezer.
     This paste  can be used in baking, cooking,  as a topping on desserts, as jam on your toast or as a sandwich ingredient.  It can be used in recipes instead of sugar.  Be aware that some adjustments need to be made in amounts , cooking and baking times, liquids and so on.  It's all  a matter of personal preference.   Be creative! Homemade fruit paste makes a great gift!  Bon appétit!

Bottom Line :  When life batters  you with  waves,  learn how to surf!  
               Problems can be overcome with a little ingenuity.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Paws and Enjoy Life

     Expressions like fifty is the new thirty inspires me to make optimum health a lifestyle priority. Good health enables me to enjoy life and have the energy to inspire others. Continuous maintenance is an arduous task  but defaulting on exercise, living on fast food, or forgoing meditation is not an option.    
     Here is a compendium of my discoveries:

  •  Different types of exercise work in tandem.  
  • Taking supplements fortify the body. 
  • Eating organic food lessens toxins in the body.
  •  Learning new skills sharpen the mind and ward off dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
  • Meditation quiets the demons in your mind. 

     Continuous self-reinvention is key to being  happy, vibrant  and in harmony with our spirit.
The goal is on-going transformation much like clay being molded in the hands of an artist.  Be inspired by a young child's laughter, a walk in the park or by some wisdom in my words.

Bottom Line:  Be inspired not only by who you are now but by how far you have come!
                     Life is a journey!
                      Enjoy the ride!

                                                Are these  inspirational or what?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

My Best Friend


      If you want a friend,  adopt a dog from a shelter.    Who else would be at your side, grateful for the loving home you provide,  without any hidden agendas.    There are many homeless dogs available through no fault of their own,  to rescue you and bring you joy. The life you save may be your own. When you purchase a dog from a pet store you help promote puppy mills and their unsavory practices.  How would you like to spend your entire life in a wire feces filled cage  hobbled so that you can't escape?  Sorry for the shocker and getting off the topic.
      Dogs care little about your fashion sense, your bad hair days, whether you got that promotion or you dress funny.  They  are almost always glad to see you.  Unconditional love is priceless and you gladly  reciprocate by   seeking  the best veterinarian,  the most nutritious food,  a comfy bed, clothing to match the weather,  a variety of toys and treats.  You  enjoy  time spent training, walking  and playing with your canine friend and sometimes ponder who is training who.   You  happily   turn your wallet inside out  in return for what your dog  contributes  to you life.    Playtime outdoors  and dog walking can be a hoot but beware of sudden weather inconsistencies.  A flash storm can bring to mind the  US Mail motto:

Through rain, sleet, snow or hail,
Nothing stops the US Mail.

     Well, nothing can stop you when you dog needs a walk.  For those and other special weather occasions you will   purchase weather-proof outfits   giving  you a somewhat amorphous look.   A man once stopped me and said, "Sir, could you tell me the time?" Later on I chuckled since I am not a sir.
     On another occasion, an acquaintance asked me how could she get some added exercise and possibly lose some weight.  I quickly replied, "Adopt a dog".  There are pluses and  minuses  in any relationship.  Dog ownership is  no exception. However, the  positives outweigh  the negatives which become insignificant.  The changes that take place in your body, mind and spirit make this experience worth every second.  You will be   inspired to be the person your best friend  needs you to be. You will desire to  never to fall short of  her/his expectations.  Your life will have a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

Bottom Line :  Unconditional love is a unique  gift to never be taken for granted.  It inspires you to be the very best self you can be  each and every day,

A face that launches my ship each and every day!