Sunday, November 30, 2014

Some Foods Are "TO Die For" For Your Dog

     I mistakenly rewarded my dog with a macadamia nut thinking it's healthy for both of us.  My husband said he read  that  nuts were dangerous to dogs. My  research validated his claim.   I became  concerned  about other conscientious dog owners who, like myself, were unknowingly loving their dogs  to death.  Below are those dangerous foods you should never give your dog  and the conditions they cause:
  • Walnuts and Pecans can cause intestinal upset or an obstruction.  If moldy, like those found on the street, they can contain tremorgenic mycotoxins which causes seizures and neurological problems.
  • Macadamia nuts are rich in fat causing stomach upset, pancreatitis and contains a toxin causing neurological symptoms.
  • Almonds in any flavor variety cause tummy upset including gas and diarrhea.
  • Pistachio nuts cause upset stomachs but if given repeatedly will cause pancreatitis.
SIDE NOTE: The symptoms of pancreatitis are:  loss of appetite, vomiting, belly pain, fever, no energy, dehydration, difficulty breathing, and irregular heart beat.  Any of these symptoms warrant a trip to the vet for a blood test or ultrasound for a proper diagnosis.
  • Avocados are poisonous to dogs.
  • Coffee, tea, colas, chocolate, and anything containing caffeine are poisonous causing tremors, rapid heart beat, difficulty breathing and bleeding.  Stimulant drinks like Red Bull can cause the same problems.
  • Gum, candy and diet foods containing xylitol cause severe blood sugar drops, lethargy, lack of coordination and liver failure.
  • Persimmon, peaches, and plums can have seeds and pits that can cause inflammation, intestinal obstruction.  Cyanide poisoning from swallowing the peach or plum pits.
  • Raw meats, raw fish and raw eggs contain bacteria causing food poisoning.  The condition can become fatal if not treated within two weeks after ingesting a fish parasite.  The symptoms are vomiting, fever and enlarged lymph nodes.  
  • Salt as is found in snack foods causes thirst, urination, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, fever, seizures, sodium iron poisoning and even death.
  • Sugary foods mirror the problems we humans have.
  • Your medicines have ingredients that can be deadly for your dog.  Check with your vet before administering any meds.
  • Baking soda, spices, nutmeg and many items in your kitchen cabinets are toxic.  Secure cabinets.
  • Well-constructed dog foods.  Read the label to check for excessive filler, preservatives, chemicals, sugar and salt.  What is the main protein source and in what position is it listed on the ingredient list?  Make sure that the ingredients are healthy and present no allergy problem for your dog.  Cheaper brands are not a bargain.  You get what you pay for.
  • Lean cooked meats
  • Slices of Apples, oranges, bananas and seedless watermelon 
  • Veggies like sliced raw carrots,cucumber and zucchini slices, green beans, or a plain baked potato cut up or mashed, never raw.
  • white rice and white meat chicken provides relief from intestinal upset,
     I hope my attempt  to simplify and encapsulate  the facts provides a user friendly guide.  
     Bottom Line:  Best Of Health To You & Your Fur Child!

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